Tri-Alf-lon Pensioner

I’m me again! Look out world.
Here at Haan Health it is our philosophy that patients are the best drivers of their health and with comprehensive care and support from their team of healthcare professionals and our ethos of “be you again”, our patients achieve the best health they can.
Haan Health are dedicated to our clients, following their journey to health and success, providing support where possible. Earlier this year we received an email from Alf, a 75 year old who has just qualified to represent Australia in the World Triathlon Championships in Mexico later this year.
Alf has been involved in running all his life, but about four years ago his legs stopped working. After being told that he could never run again, Alf found Haan and Dr Sonu Haikerwal through a friend. We were able to diagnose the problem as Paget’s disease and come up with a treatment strategy. Paget’s disease is a chronic bone condition that causes abnormal enlargement and weakening of bone, affecting up to four per cent of Australian’s over 50. Twelve months after comprehensive treatment Alf was able to run 100 meters in 35 seconds!
Although not as fast as his pre Paget’s Disease time (100 meters in 15 seconds), Alf continued his treatment with Sonu and noted down his progress every day. About eight months ago he decided he was going to do a triathlon, or as we like to call them at Haan Health, a tri-Alf-lon.
In early January, Alf competed in a tri-Alf-lon in the 75+ age group. Not only did he compete, but he came 2nd, qualifying for the World Triathlon Championships in Mexico. In a recent interview with channel 9’s Today show, Alf stated that his goal was to achieve 4th or 5th at the World Championships.
Click here to watch the interview.
Alf is very driven and a true inspiration to many others that are struggling with their health and think of age as a barrier. He is very dedicated to his goals, exercising for an hour and a half every day and going for longer bike rides, runs or swims on the weekends. But tri-Alf-lons are not for everyone. As Alf so aptly puts it:
“For me to do this all my thanks goes to Dr. Sonu for her help understanding and her devotion to our older generation I would now like to put my time in getting our older people moving around again and enjoying life, they have not got to do a Triathlon but some form of exercise is better than none.”
Good luck in Mexico, Alf! We’re your biggest fans!