
Fill out our Health and Wellbeing Checklist to see what can be improved in your life.

Healthier You

Healthier you provides access to information on a range of different health topics and provides connection to free and low cost programs and services that can help you to improve your health.Making small lifestyle changes can improve your health and wellbeing and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

You should visit your Doctor (GP) or health care professional regularly, even when you feel well as this is an important step in staying healthy.

Get Healthy now with free personal health coaching.

Six months free and personal assistance is just a phone call away. Call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and request the program that is best suited to you.Get healthy offers free telephone based counselling to support you to achieve a healthier lifestyle.  Your coach will work with you to set goals relating to eating healthier, increasing exercise and personal health goals that are relevant to you. You can register online for a coach to call you or phone 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

My Health for Life offers face to face or telephone support and is designed to assist you to make positive lifestyle changes in order to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lifestyle related cancers. Complete the health check to assess your chronic disease risk and to see if you meet the eligibility criteria. If you would prefer to do this over the phone you can call 13RISK (13 74 75).

COACH offers free telephone based counselling for individuals who have a chronic disease. Your COACH can help you manage your chronic disease and take steps to improve your overall health. Call 13 HEALTH (13 45 25 84) to sign up.

Manage your Chronic Disease

Active and Healthy Gold Coast includes a range of free and low cost remedial activities for people who have a chronic disease.  Check out the Active and Healthy webpage for more information on these sessions including location, time and cost.Ozcare run a number of group programs targeted to those who have a chronic disease including aerobics for seniors, making sense of diabetes sessions and much more.

Gold Coast Health provides a variety of free chronic disease wellness programs.  To find out more call 1300 668 936.

Get Active physical activity supports good health and can help prevent unhealthy weight gain as well as assist with weight loss. Check out some of the programs which you can join to help you become more physically active including:

Queensland Health’s Getting Active page for a range of 30minute exercise programs.

The 10,000 Steps program which gives you practical advice on how you can reach the recommended daily step total as part of your everyday routine.

The Heart Foundation walking program provides opportunities for you to connect with local walking groups led by volunteer walk organisers; you can use the postcode searcher to find a group near you.

Active and Healthy Gold Coast offers free and low cost community activities targeted at all age and fitness levels.

Eat healthier and manage your weight

Queensland Health’s Dieting and weight management page includes information on calculating your body mass index (BMI), health and fitness age and provides information on how to make healthier food choices.The Active and Healthy eating program offers free and low cost healthy cooking workshops, nutritional seminars and information on where to purchase fresh local based produce on the Gold Coast.

The national Health Star Rating is a quick and easy way to compare the nutritional profile of packaged foods.

Quit smoking

Visit Queensland Health’s Quit smoking page for a range of options to support you to quit smoking and enjoy a healthier smoke free life.Visit the Department of Health’s Get ready to quit page to review quitting options.  You can choose a quitting method you feel comfortable with and that suits your lifestyle.

Download the QuitBuddy app. My QuitBuddy is a mobile phone app designed to support and encourage you on your journey to becoming smoke- free.  The app can support you through the hard times with helpful tips and distractions to overcome cravings; tracking systems to chart your progress and all the facts you need to understand the impact smoking has on your health.


Immunise GC provides local information on immunisation programs, including; during pregnancy, childhood, school immunisations and free community clinics.Download the VacciDate app on apple or android to help manage your child’s vaccinations schedule (for children up to 4 years of age).

Visit Queensland Health’s Immunisation page for information on the National Immunisation program including what vaccinations you may require throughout varying stages of your life.

Alcohol and drug use

Visit Queensland Health’s Drug use: help and treatment page for information, advice and referral options.

DrinkWise provides facts about drinking, advice for parents and a drinks calculator which shows you how much alcohol is in different beverages.   You may be surprised by the alcohol content of some drinks.

My drinking choices provides a short quiz which can be used as a guide to understand your alcohol use and potential issues.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Service (AODS) provides innovative solutions to reduce the harmful impact of drug use. The service works closely with non-government organisations referring clients for continuing support.  To contact the AODS service you can call 1300 744 284.

Mental health

If you are looking for support to improve your mental wellbeing the Active and Healthy recovery program may be suitable. This program assists individuals with a lived experience of mental illness to re-engage in exercise to improve social connections and both physical and mental health.Beyondblue offers facts about mental health, support services and information on how to help your family and friends. For more immediate support you can contact the beyondblue support service line on 1300 22 46 36 (open 24/7).

Lifeline offers online tools and information in relation to mental health and available support services.  For 24hr crisis support you can also contact the Lifeline call centre on 13 11 14.

Gold Coast Health offers a range of Mental Health Services providing assessment, treatment and support to individuals who experience a mental illness. Services are provided depending on individual need and range from inpatient treatment to support in the community.

Headspace offer an online free and confidential space where young people (aged between 12-25) can chat, email or speak with a qualified youth mental health professional.  You can also speak to someone in person by visiting your nearest headspace centre; find your closest centre here .

When times are tough

There are a range of support services you can access if you are experiencing financial hardship or need help with basics such as food or shelter.My community directory lists over 60 welfare and support services locally offering varying supports including free food.

Red Cross Relief provides a number of services including supporting older adults in the community by ensuring their basic needs are met and they have opportunities for social connection.

Providing mental health support programs to build bridges back into the community, parent support programs and programs aimed at high risk and vulnerable populations.

Lifeline offers information and support programs as well as a financial counselling. Contact 1800 007 007 (9:30-4pm Monday -Friday)

St Vincent de Paul Society provides a range of financial support services on a one-on-one basis for people seeking assistance.

The Salvation Army offers emergency relief, no interest loans, financial counselling and other welfare services to help with your financial difficulties.

Managing shift work

A shift workers guide to nutrition provides practical advice on how to maintain good nutrition as a shift worker.The Sleep Health Foundation offers useful information on how to manage your sleep patterns and what you can do to ensure you are getting enough sleep while undertaking shift work.

Cancer screening for men and women

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program  invites Australians aged over 50 to participate in bowel cancer screening with the use of a free, simple at home test.  In order to receive your in home test, you will need to make sure Medicare has your correct address.Sun safety is important for everyone.  The Cancer Council offers information on how to protect yourself and others from skin cancer.  A Sunsmart app is also available to download for iOS (apple users) or Android (all other smart devices) which helps you to keep track of UV levels throughout the day and receive reminders for the times of the day when UV levels are higher. The app also has a function which you can use to set reminders for you to reapply your sunscreen.

Planning a large event? Gold Coast Health has developed a set of Mass Gathering Sun Safety Guidelines which can be accessed here.

Mens health

Men experience different health concerns at various life stages. Check out what you can do to stay healthy throughout each decade of your life here.Lifestyle choices are important factors in maintaining health and wellbeing visit Queensland Health’s Men’s health page for some tips.

Andrology Australia provides information on a number of male health related topics.

Men’s Shed is a community-based organisation that’s accessible to all. It provides opportunities for social inclusion and a chance for men to work on various building and restoration projects. There are various Men’s Shed locations on the Gold Coast.  Click here to find a local shed near you.

Women’s Health

Females experience different health concerns at various life stages. Check out what you can do to stay healthy throughout each decade of your life here.BreastScreen Queensland  Women aged between 50 and 74 are encouraged to attend a breastscreen every 2 years. Women are eligible to attend this free service from 40 onwards. An appointment can be made online via the website or by phoning 132050.

Cervical Screening The National cervical screening program aims to prevent cervical cancer by detecting early changes in the cervix.  Visit this website to find out more about cervical screening (pap smears). You will need to book in with your doctor to have the test done.

Jean Hailes information relating to menopause, sexual health, breast health, fertility and a range of other womens health related topics.

Contraception options are available. It is recommended that you discuss contraception options with your doctor to find the one which is most suitable for you.

Griffith University in partnership with other tertiary education providers are running a number of women’s wellness programs find out more here.

Sexual Health

There is sexual support available if you need it. You can visit Queensland Health’s Sexual health page for a range of information in relation to looking after you sexual health.Qlife is a counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). Q-life provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to people of all ages across. For further support from this service call 1800 184 527 (between 5:30pm-10:30pm).

Help your workplace become healthier

Healthier.Happier.Workplaces  supports employers to create a work environment that:

  • Improves the health and wellbeing of employees
  • Increases business productivity
  • Enhances workplace culture

Queensland businesses can use the information on this website to learn about workplace health, set up effective programs and access a wide range of resources for  employees- including tips and information to help them plan their personal health and wellbeing journey.

Activities and programs for families and children

The Nature Play Qld  program aims to increase the time Queensland children spend in unstructured play outdoors and in nature. It is founded on the understanding that unstructured play outdoors – nature play – is fundamental to a full and healthy childhood.The Need for Feed  high school cooking program aims to improve student’s confidence and skills in preparing healthy food. Families and students can self-refer or be referred by a health professional. The program has a culturally tailored component for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The city of Gold Coasts Active and Healthy kids program provides a range of activities such as after school fitness, running groups, athletics, dance and a school holiday program.

A healthy start to school tool kit has been developed to help schools and staff working in the early childhood setting and outside school hours care services support families to provide healthy eating choices to their children when starting school.

Are you Pregnant or planning a pregnancy?

The maternal and infant nutrition website provides up to date evidence-based resources and tools for mothers, infants, children and families.Raising children’s network provides comprehensive, practical and expert child health and

parenting information and activities covering children aged 0-15 years. This webpage has information for both men and women.


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